
Peaceful Digiternia Episode 1 – Waking Up

After a long and full life, one-time computer security expert Wyatt Carney dies…then finds himself in Peaceful Digiternia Heights, a digital afterlife server that was abandoned decades ago while still stuck in Version 1.0. He’s got no way out, no way to talk to the outside world, and a constant companion in the form of […]


Volume 1 Introduction

CONRAD: Greetings and welcome to the premiere of the Never Rad Miscellany. My name is Conrad Miszuk and I am the director of this project. What you are about to see and/or hear is the finest surrealist and science fiction known to this arm of the galaxy. I know. I checked. It understandably took a […]


Never Rad Show #1 June 5th, 2019

The never Rad Miscellany is a live table read of audio science fiction scripts in the style of Thrilling Adventure Hour meets The Twilight Zone. We have four new series that will be premiering in this performance: Peaceful Digiternia Heights, an exploration of an abandonware digital afterlife; Phoenix Lights, a 1940s noir about alien visitation; […]